Student Registration Information

Registration Information 

Any student enrolling in the Cumberland County School System should provide the following information:

  1. Tennessee Immunization Form (Any student transferring from out of state must provide a Tennessee Immunization Form. One may obtain this form at the local health department.)

  2. Proof of legal guardianship (If parents are divorced, a copy of the divorce agreement with the judge’s signature must be provided showing which parent has legal guardianship. If someone other than the birth parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is enrolling a student, one must speak to the principal. The principal will decide if the power of attorney will be acceptable.)

  3. Proof of residency (Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must provide proof of residency. The correct name and address must be on a document such as a water bill, phone bill, gas or electric bill, or a rent or mortgage receipt. Miscellaneous mail is unacceptable, as it does not show a stationary address.)

  4. Name, address, and phone number of the school you are transferring from, a withdrawal form, unofficial copy of school transcript, or the student’s last report card.

  5. Birth certificate - optional

  6. Social Security card - optional

  7. Bus number (Please call 931-484-6762 to find out the number of the bus your child will ride and the number of the miles one-way.)

Any student who withdrew from the school system during the current school year to enroll in homeschool or who transferred to another school system and is returning to CCS must provide the same information as a new student.

To prevent registration delays, the necessary information must be provided, and all paperwork must be filled out completely. This information should be readily available to ensure a smooth transition.